
Papa EMIYA ASSASSIN has join my party, thanks Caster Artoria...I wasn't pulling for him...not complaining tho


When your school have a emergency project that requires sandpaper and gravel, and your mother ask "Where did these sandpaper and gravel come from?"...."I have it in my room, did you not know?" Like why is she surprised? 
          Ps. the school informed us about the teacher event late which made us rush and the class leader just send  the required supplies list last night and I just happen to have 2 small bag of gravel, sandpapers, and IceCream stick in my bedroom.....with how much stuff i hog it should be no surprise to my mother that i have those in my room.....LOL


My biology teacher  said he use to have a Butter ball PYTHON in class! His students(At the time) name it Charlie. They love him. He feed it one a week with a ALIVE mouse! In the morning he would come to school with a alive mouse and his students be like
          "Hey Teach', why did you bring a mouse to school?"
          "Its lunch :)"-The bio Teacher
          "YOU EAT MOUSE!?!"-Students
          "No its Charlie's :D"
          "Can we watch?"-the students
          At lunch he have like 20 student watching him. He put the mouse on the one side and Charlie would either eat it right away or hunt it, and by hunt I mean watching the mouse, let the mouse climb on him before he warp himself around the mouse and eat it.
          My biology teacher said he did this just to see the students reaction! The next time he feed Charlie there's still few students that come to watch!
          He even compared Charlie,the butter ball python to a CAT! Because sometimes when Charlie is moody he behave like an Angry cat that haven't been giving enough attention...
          My reaction to this story is silently laughing to myself and feeling bad for kids who probably got traumatized.