
You guys will be happy to know that I am still working on all the stories I mentioned in the beginning of December. (I'm excited for all of them XD) But I just wanted to let you guys know that I just uploaded the first chapter of my newest story, Nowhere Near the Apocalypse. It is a 10k x oc fanfiction based off of the Sy-Fy show Z Nation. I hope you guys check it out and enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment on the regular uploads! ~Lu <3


@LuBooks88 please update chaos daughters it was a great story to read ☕


i have been stuck with major writers block on what direction to take “chaos ‘s daughter” init was part of the first series i ever wrote so i didn’t plan the books out very well, if you have any suggestions on how you think the story should wrap up i’d love to hear from you !! :) 


@LuBooks88 can you please update chaos daughter (if you need ideas I can tell u some)


Hello love could we know when "nowhere near the apocalypse" will be updated again. I fell in love with your story and the writing of it I had just started watching z Nation and reading this captivated me so if you see this please update! 


@LuBooks88 yes please it’s been a few months. Sending lovely words!


thank you for you lovely words !! i’ve been really struggling to find the motivation to finish my edits on “nowhere near the apocalypse” but recently my writers block has been lifted and i plan on continuing as soon as i’m finished with writing season three of my umbrella academy fan fic. i cannot tell you when exactly i will be updating but please stay tuned and check out the other stories on my page, your comments and votes mean a lot to me :)


When is season 3 chapters of The Angel Death the umbrella academy coming out?


hello !! i’ve been working for nearly a month planning out the third season. the first few chapters are now up and the story has a new cover and title. i’d love for you to check it out it’s now titled “shadows & mirrors” i hope you enjoy :)


You guys will be happy to know that I am still working on all the stories I mentioned in the beginning of December. (I'm excited for all of them XD) But I just wanted to let you guys know that I just uploaded the first chapter of my newest story, Nowhere Near the Apocalypse. It is a 10k x oc fanfiction based off of the Sy-Fy show Z Nation. I hope you guys check it out and enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment on the regular uploads! ~Lu <3


@LuBooks88 please update chaos daughters it was a great story to read ☕


i have been stuck with major writers block on what direction to take “chaos ‘s daughter” init was part of the first series i ever wrote so i didn’t plan the books out very well, if you have any suggestions on how you think the story should wrap up i’d love to hear from you !! :) 


@LuBooks88 can you please update chaos daughter (if you need ideas I can tell u some)