Just one simple person. 
A little crazy, a little weird, a little misunderstood.
And completely lost between the lines of life.
Life is short, yet eternity lasts.
Once a demon whispered in my ear that I should give it up. And when the ice broke beneath my feet, the angel caught me. He taught me to fly.
And explained that life is a drop in the sea. There are a million of them, and yet they are the ocean.
And he stroked my head and said I was a star. There are a billion of them and they are the universe. Each unique.
One day I'm here, the next I'm not. But if this is meant to be the last day, then let's make it worth it.
And maybe one day the angel will also explain to me in which wave my life flies and in which constellation my soul shines...
  • JoinedMarch 22, 2018

Stories by LuOlympiaB
Lono Klamstva by LuOlympiaB
Lono Klamstva
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V tieňoch súcitu by LuOlympiaB
V tieňoch súcitu
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Without justice by LuOlympiaB
Without justice
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