
hola Lucas, más directa no podría ser tu descripción del perfil, me hicistes reír mucho con eso, ya que tenía tiempo sin leer algo así, por aquí puedes contar con una amiga;  un saludo cordial desde Venezuela


my English is not  very good. I only speak Spanish 
            and I don't always have the internet available to use the google translator, that's why suddenly I didn't answer you all at once but one or several days later


@MDamelys1 how are you? Can you write in english please...


Hi there, thank you for following me. I know some people in Texas, you guys are awesome ;-) I hope you like my stories. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out. And if there's anything you would like me to read, let me know and I'll add it to my list.