
Alright, I know I said I was back then but I just finished up all my school work and will be graduating this month! I have a new book idea coming up and I hope I can actually stick with it rather than crashing down into a burning fire of writer's block. Anyway, I will try my bestest to post and update my other books as well. Bare with me please and thank you. ☺️


Alright, I know I said I was back then but I just finished up all my school work and will be graduating this month! I have a new book idea coming up and I hope I can actually stick with it rather than crashing down into a burning fire of writer's block. Anyway, I will try my bestest to post and update my other books as well. Bare with me please and thank you. ☺️


Hello all! I am back at it again with my writing! Hopefully, I can fix a few things and such, but guess what?! New story coming out!! (Yes, I know I have several unfinished ones but I have brain farted with them and I need to brainstorm some ideas for them) I am starting to write a spin-off/ my own version for Kingdom of Heart's, if you don't know it that's fine, I'm just a nerd. ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) 
          It will be a little while though till I post the first piece because I am drawing out a few characters and I want to share them with you in the first part. Love y'all and talk to y'all soon!


Also, I will be posting the drawings on my Deviant Art page. Check my Bio for my user. 


Hey, guys! Thanks for your support and love! I am sorry for the late posts of chapters. I've been doing school and dealing with my family being in the hospital. Hope y'all are staying awesome! Love ya and have a great weekend/week!