
Hi everyone just want to say for you all that came here for undertale that i have asked in the book if you want me to continue the book and finish some unfinished chapters so please go check it out and thank you listening. Bye have a great day or night.


[Uke hubby has asked if you want to rp Black Butler and if he can use an oc]


@Ace_IceKing Uke hubby I think it would be easier in our DM's. what do you think?


Hi everyone just want to say for you all that came here for undertale that i have asked in the book if you want me to continue the book and finish some unfinished chapters so please go check it out and thank you listening. Bye have a great day or night.


Recently Axetale is an Aunt that has that diesease that monsters wants to eat souls but flowery spread it....then! Before Sans gets that disease he fell in love with Frisk and marry her but then Tori el died and wants Frisk to use her soul to escape the Underground Sans was sad but he wants her to be free so she escape but she was pregnant then she died with an unknown reason....she birth a bootiful girl before she died the name of the girl was Aliza then she lives with her grandma,her granny tells the truth who is her father as Alicia went to the underground and met sans sans was happy then Frisk didn't reset since she can't but she turn into a beautiful red butterfly...


Welcome and please be safe!!! :3


oh! Also Frisk is a ghost but the red butterfly was actual like a communication thing or a sign that Frisk was watching you..