


Something to do with people from explorer 


@LukasRLLBooks you should do one wi5h people frim explorer and with me in it


@LukasRLLBooks OK you should put me in one with like someone attractive


Hi! Thanks for the follow! So what ideas are you looking for to write about? I read your short  bio. Depends on what you want to write about.


@LukasRLLBooks Hi! Well, if you are up to the challange - how about this writing prompt? I haven't seen a lot of stories about animals, vets or similar to that. In any genre, whether romance to the ghastly horror stories like Stephen King's "Pet Semetary." Below are some pointers:
            1. If you would like it to be a story of a talking animal as in the "Pixar" movies like Finding Nemo
            2. You could do it like in the comics of Spiderman where Peter Parker got bitten by a spider (just make up your own) or make it a fan fiction
            3. Make a story with vets in it - Did they fall in love, quarrel, or was this a battle for competition? Add a little humor or not ... it would probably be worth the read! The list is endless! Goodluck!
            By the way in high school I was dubbed as a turtle/tortoise, so you can start there, but like always as I say "You don't have to take my word for it"!


@RoseBlossom79 I will attempt almost anything.