
Assignment for today!
          	Post the link/name of a fun website on your mb!!


@I_can_help Hmmm
          	  I am so late here
          	  Welp I'm back for a few so I'll try to catch up
          	  But exams still really near so bummer


Hi guys
          It's me
          That gurlllll
          Welp just needed someone to talk to
          Been having lotta problems lately
          Wish I could share but not mentally stable yet
          Getting better though;)
          Just wanted to ask
          Is it weird if someone feels like all their pain is fake
          Like all of their "trauma" is just a make-shift aggression of their body to wanting to be loved
          I don't know
          Cause I been feeling like I could be over-reacting
          I mean, others be dying out of theirs right
          And the worst part
          They can't bring themselves to cry about it
          Life is just a shitty game y'all
          Why am I even ranting here
          I'm sorry guys this happens a bunch
          I just hate it
          Damn it!!!
          You know what?
          Imma need to go think or something
          Peace y'all
          he :,)


@Pretheba25 Thanks
            Needed that huh?
            Well I've thought about things and yeah
            See how it goes


Can I be a part of the group?


@-0WEN- thankyou!!! I'll do it right away!


Hey everybody! I was thinking if at noon (eastern time) we could meet here for a discussion! If you can't make it that's totally okay, just let me know. It shouldn't last too long!
          Also, today's ✨assignment✨
          Post inspirational lyrics on people's boards randomly! Like anyone's, especially if you know they are struggling right now. Thx!
          Love you all! See you at noon!❤❤❤❤❤❤


Why to Stay:
          ~There are people who care about you.
          ~You can change the world for the better.
          ~There are many good times to come, both small and big.
          ~There is only one you, and you are special and important.
          ~There are people in your future who will care about you once they meet you.
          ~You have so much to give! You are loving, caring, and capable of doing amazing things.
          ~You are worth more than you know.
          ~You are strong- strong enough to overcome this!
          ~If someone doesn't care that's their loss as it means there are much better people out there for you. You deserve better than people like that.
          ~You deserve better, you deserve to find your way out of the struggle and into happiness.
          ~Animals! Some of us have pets, others might find one in the future. Furry friends love us with a special devotion and put their trust in us.
          ~Amazing things will happen in the future!
          ~Someday you will look back and realize how much better things have gotten.
          ~The tiny pleasures of life- there are lots of simple things to enjoy
          ~You are here for a wonderful reason, even if you haven't discovered your unique mission quite yet.
          ~You can help other people who are struggling and get through together.
          ~God has amazing plans for you, which involve happiness and victory! He will bring you to them.
          "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" -Jeremiah 29:11


@Pinestripe37 These are AMAZING reasons!


Hey! Today's assignment is to start a book called "Why to Stay." Make sure to mention our group in it, and update a chapter with at least 10 reasons for people to stay here on Earth! If you have any questions, let me know! Please respond to this so I know you got it!


@pjoHoOKkMCgoALOVER @Pr1se2 @Pinestripe37 @Liltimmy7  Ahhhhh I'm so behund on assignments! Okay for today (or tomorrow cuz it's late haha) post lyrics of a song on someone's mb!!! Thx!!!)


@SimpingCurrently Thanks for understanding : )


@Pr1se2 Okay! School should come first!


Hello! I heard about this account on my main and came wish you the best of luck! Also, for when you write your future books, please remember to upload everything you write and save all your graphics into something other than wattpad (like a word doc) just in case!
          We’re here to help you grow, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything! Love your cause!


@SimpingCurrently oh okay! Thanks for the heads up!
            ~Cheerleader Captain 


@The-Cheer-Squad Thx so much! This means a lot. This account is the one I use to run our program, and my main account (@SimpingCurrently) is the one I'm on most often. Thanks for the support, it means a lot!


Alright! Respond to this if your are an active member of this group! I want us all to meet each other.


@SimpingCurrently I do have a bit of a swearing problem but if i swear on here I’ll remember to censor it. 


@Teakwondogirl247 What you do on your personal accounts does not concern me a whole lot. So please just make sure we keep THIS account nice and clean so all can view it!