
Okay so I just had the biggest and smartest idea I have thought of. So most of you guys know I really don't upload chapters that frequently and some of you are very enthusiastic about where the story is heading to. 
          	So here's my plan, every chapter I upload has an average word count of 1600. To have a consistent upload schedule, I thought of maybe typing 100 words each day so for every 16 days period, there is a new chapter so I can end the first volume and move on to bigger projects like doing a yandere oneshots! 
          	I read and appreciate the comments you guys left in the book and also some votes ( I assume votes are like button ). Thank you, you guys are the realest ones. 


@Luke_Velentris I honestly have no clue what the vote button does, aside from letting readers and you know that you liked the chapter. 


Okay so I just had the biggest and smartest idea I have thought of. So most of you guys know I really don't upload chapters that frequently and some of you are very enthusiastic about where the story is heading to. 
          So here's my plan, every chapter I upload has an average word count of 1600. To have a consistent upload schedule, I thought of maybe typing 100 words each day so for every 16 days period, there is a new chapter so I can end the first volume and move on to bigger projects like doing a yandere oneshots! 
          I read and appreciate the comments you guys left in the book and also some votes ( I assume votes are like button ). Thank you, you guys are the realest ones. 


@Luke_Velentris I honestly have no clue what the vote button does, aside from letting readers and you know that you liked the chapter. 


Imma be lurking, waiting for the next chap, mate.


@a-friendly-user Am I everywhere? Or, are you Nowhere?


Mr. Velentris, are you doing well?


@Luke_Velentris it's all good. I have the same problem often 


@Red_X_V23 yes I am doing very well, There is this small problem called mind block and I'm currently having it. Like I know where my story is heading but I don't know how to put it in words. Sorry about the false hope :pensive:


this message may be offensive
The anti christs (school) have abducted me. Brainwashing all of my beliefs (learning). The feds (teachers) are torturing me with their grotesque tools.
          This might be the last shit I'll post before they turn me into a husk of once was a man. (I'll be back on Christmas just like Mariah Carey)


@Luke_Velentris Make sure to come back and finish absolute territory. If you don't upload a chapter on it by atleast February next year and made a new story Instead then.. You're a changed man from the one you are now. 
            Don't let them win, fight for brother!


@Luke_Velentris Damn, that's quite the wait. Good luck dude