
Helloooo it's been a while ain't it?
          	Well, after a few weeks of writer's block and a flu episode, I've finally managed to dish out a short story related to TCT and placed some building blocks for it's upcoming plot!
          	Hope ya'll enjoy it!


Okay, I know this is, yet again, flunking up the whole posting schedule, but a new chapter for APBY-r is now up and ready for reading! Now we resume into the next day, where further confusion is instigated, which ends up angering a specific someone...
          And also, unveiling a mysterious character that was never seen in the old book, while remaking a canine to a avian character. :D
          Hope ya'll enjoy this entry!


Okay so... I know this is way out of the schedule and I'm super late, but trust me, it's been a chaotic few weeks.
          But nonetheless, here's something new to feed y'all, a new chapter for APBY-r! This time, we continue on the intensity, along with some odd weird vibes coming from a bunch of people in this town and school...
          I just published "The Unexpected Meets the Unexpected" of my story "A Paw Behind You [REMASTERED]".


Hellur hellur, Owen here.
          So as you know, usually I would be posting updates about APBY here, buuuuuuut, something new for today!
          If you've been following my (new) twitter profile (if not, I have moved to a new account with the same @username), I've been letting loose a lot of things regarding a 2nd WIP, revolving somewhere called the Continent, which is basically a fantasy land involving music as its magic system.
          Therefore, it is with excitement that I unveil the first short story that is tied to the 2nd WIP (consider it as like uh... a prequel). So... have a look, and I hope I manage to pull it off (I am not really experienced with emotional scenes) well enough to satisfy ya'll!
          (FYI all posts regarding the Continental Tales is irregularly uploaded so yeah)
          *Trigger Warning: Graphic Depictions of Death*


Alright peepol, the 2nd chapter of APBY-R is now uploaded! For this one, we shall continue Sky's journey to the school, meeting some peculiar characters, and also seeing how Sky (metaphorically) nearly faints from exhaustion. 
          Hope ya'll enjoy this week's entry!
          (P.S. was hoping to upload two chapters, but I unfortunately took way too long for this one. But, no worries, to pay back, I might upload the third one next Saturday, so stay tuned!)


WOO I'm back!
          Apologies, apologies, for my disappearance. Now, before tomatoes are thrown and chairs are flying, while I did disappear (for quite a long time), that doesn't mean I haven't been working on any new stuff. In fact, at 10 am GMT/10 pm Malaysian Standard Time, a remastered version of APBY (yes *that* unfinished project) will have its first chapter published here! And I promise, unlike the first one, there (Hopefully) won't be as much of headache-causing grammatical and spelling errors. But other than that, there will be additions of new stuff (characters, settings, etc etc), alterations of older stuff, etc, so if you read the old one, that does NOT mean you shouldn't read this newer version!
          But of course, please do leave some comments if there are errors/plot holes so I can actually work on them ASAP!
          But in any case, TL;DR, I'm back, and I'm going to resume back what I had started, just rebooted. :D
          Speaking of which, I changed my twitter account as its like a big reboot, y'know, so if you would like for latest updates/other non-writing-related stuff, please do follow! (@lumbiepie) 
          P.S. to my old followers, uh, thanks for sticking with me. :33


Hey hey!
          After 2 lengthy weeks, the 2nd last chapter for APBY is finally posted for public viewing! And yes, it *is* the 2nd last, which means, the finale has finally neared for the first book of the series!
          And apologies for the messy schedule, but I'll try my best to post either next week or the week after that, on, as usual, 10 am EST Saturday!
          And that's enough of the updates from me. Hope ya'll enjoy it!