
And thank you @FabehaMajid for fanning :) 


Hey @LunaBeth203
          I'm a fellow Potterhead as well as someone who is deeply immersed in your story, His Secret. I think it's intriguing and I love all the twists and turns (but maybe not the cliffies). I understand that you haven't updated in almost two years now, but I need the next chapter like I need oxygen. Please please please update for the sake of all your fellow Potterheads


Can someone please tell me a really good Percy Jackson/Harry Potter going to Hogwarts crossover on any website which is actually finished and good and where Harry is not completely OOC and they don't call the great hall the "big" hall? Because I've been looking for one of these for days and not found a single one. Also Percy and everyone should be a little impressed by Harry, ones I have read have basically wizards 0.0 And Demigods, oh you're the only one that can defeat the darkest wizard of all time? Cool story bro.