
Hi!! I just finished reading Carly's Sheldon and it was one of the best fanfiction I have ever read. Will you ever do more Sheldon Cooper fan fiction in the future? If so, it would be amazing.


@Vic_Rosely OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH I DIDNT EVEN THINK TO CHECK A03!!! Also thank you! Have an amazing day!! :D


In case the link doesn't work.... just look up: archive of our own carly's sheldon, and it should just pop up


@SnowFlake2249 Happy belated birthday!  I hope you had a wonderful day and you got to do something you wanted. Also, I was actually able to locate this story. I'll attach the link for you in case you want to re-read it https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://archiveofourown.org/works/28756959&ved=2ahUKEwiOvMnj8cmAAxUfJEQIHd63D0QQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0CCirNXjqTrhtBTasLKAIf


Hi. I read your book Carlys Sheldon.  And I cant stop thinking about it. Im a huge fan of TBBT my self and even more of Sheldon. Your book makes me see him in a different way. Omg and when they 'play' and finally they do it. Ive read many scenes like that but theres is still fresh in my memory. Who knew sheldon would do that. This is the first book I read that has to do with sheldon.  I love it. So can u please write an epilogue? Thanks bye. 


            your welcome. I can't wait 


            You are so sweet. I have read stories that have touched my life as well so I am SO happy to be able to return the favor. I am currently editing the story and adding a bit more to it so I will let you know when I repost. As for an epilogue, you'll just have to wait and see. ; ) Thank you for your kind words. <3