
January 2024 Update:
          	Hey, y'all. Sorry for not updating 50 Stars for the past two/three months. Truth be told, I haven't had the time nor the energy to finish the Q&A I'm supposed to get done as I've spent those things on stuff in real life and other interests. I don't know when or if ever I get to finish, but, for now, sad to say, the story will remain on hiatus for some time in the indefinite future.
          	Thank you for understanding and hope everyone is doing well so far in the new year.
          	~ Jade


January 2024 Update:
          Hey, y'all. Sorry for not updating 50 Stars for the past two/three months. Truth be told, I haven't had the time nor the energy to finish the Q&A I'm supposed to get done as I've spent those things on stuff in real life and other interests. I don't know when or if ever I get to finish, but, for now, sad to say, the story will remain on hiatus for some time in the indefinite future.
          Thank you for understanding and hope everyone is doing well so far in the new year.
          ~ Jade


Plans for the Rest of the Year:
          Hey, y'all. I've honestly not done much work with the Q&A due to spending more time than I thought on the State Flags episode. But now that's done, I can focus on the Q&A episode and hope to release it eventually, hopefully before the end of October or to an extent in November.
          Sadly, I'll likely not be able to do a Halloween episode or possibly a Thanksgiving episode, largely due to the Q&A in addition to being busy with real-life stuff related to the holidays coming up. I know I have been slow and infrequent with publishing stories, and I can't confidently say right now I'll be able to do weekly updates as I had previously done yesteryear. At the very least, I'll do my best to provide an episode per month. While at the same time, I can publish some more stuff related to my OCs as a break from writing stories. Anyway, thanks for your patience and understanding.
          ~ Jade


Taking No More Questions for the Q&A!
          To those who provided questions, thank y'all so much for your contributions. Though I won't be able to include all of them, I'll be sure to answer as many as possible. Anyway, expect the Q&A to come out around late September or early October. Once again, thanks to everyone for your support :)
          ~ Jade


Q&A Notification:
          Hey, y'all! First off, thanks to those who've given me questions so far. For anyone who hasn't yet, I have good news for y'all. I'm extending the deadline to September 1-3, so be sure to provide any questions for the Q&A before the deadline!
          ~ Jade


Taking Questions for the Q&A!
          Hey, y'all! I know it has been a long time since I've been active on a regular basis, but I just want to let everyone know in case they missed it. I'm currently taking questions for the Q&A that's scheduled to be Episode 25 in the fourth volume of the  50 Stars series. Check that page out for more info and be sure to leave your questions there or (in my inbox) before the deadline. As always, thanks for your understanding and support :)
          ~ Jade


Happy Canada Day!
          In honor of the Great White North, I'll be adding edited content to "Guide to the Canadian Provinces & Territories" over the next couple of days, just to let y'all know.
          Anyway, thanks for being patient with me during my hiatus from publishing new American content.
          ~ Jade


March Update:
          Hey, y'all! It has been a long while since the last post. I want to first apologize for the slow/lack of updates to 50 Stars. I am still writing, however, I haven't been writing as much as I had been in years past for many reasons such as being busy in general, doing other hobbies, and getting distracted a lot. I'm hoping to publish the next episode sometime this week, if not next Sunday. After that, I'll likely push back the disco-themed episodes in favor of working on an April Fools' episode. After which, I'll make another special announcement relating to one of the more popular episodes in the series.
          As always, thank you for your patience and your understanding.
          ~ Jade


January & February Schedule for 50 Stars:
          Hey, y'all! Another year has gone by, but once again in 2023 I'm gonna keep writing more stories to come. For January and February, below is the next set of episodes I plan to publish:
          Episode 17: ???
          Episode 18: Kansas-Nebraska
          Episode 19: Lincoln
          Episode 20: Disco (Part 1)
          Episode 21: Disco (Part 2)
          Episode 17 remains up in the air, though I have plenty of ideas in mind. Also, after publishing Episode 20 sometime in February, I'll be posting a special announcement for one of the more popular parts of the series, so I hope y'all look forward to that and much more. And as always, I appreciate y'all continuing to follow and read my stories :)
          ~ Jade


@LunarJade Awe dang. The stomach bug, flu, and cold are going around my school but luckily, I haven't caught it yet. But I hope you are doing well in general.


@YesIExist8890 Thank you :) Also, apololgies for the lack of communication. I had in the previous week caught the flu, but I'm already getting better


@LunarJade Also congrats on 200 followers!


Happy Holidays!
          Just to notify y'all, I recently published Episode 14 of America 50 Stars (Vol. 4).  Wattpad notifications weren't working at the time, so here's your notification in case anyone didn't know ;)
          I also want to give a heads-up that the next episode has a decent chance of being uploaded post-Christmas depending on how Texas's power grid holds up for the incoming hard freeze within the next two to three days. The weather shouldn't be as bad as in February 2021, but who knows, right? Lol. Either way, as always, thanks for your patience despite a lack of episodes for this month.
          ~ Jade


@LunarJade  that night there were what sounded like explosions around town but no power went out


@YesIExist8890 Anyway, enjoy the freezing weather. I'm gonna do my best to endure and stay warm and pray the power grid doesn't go out


@YesIExist8890 Technically 6, since Texas is equal to five lmao.


Happy Thanksgiving!
          Hey, y'all! Shortly before writing this post, I finally finished and published the second part of The Pig War episodes. It took me way longer to write it due to being busy with a lot of things going on with the holidays. As such, it'll take me a while to publish my first-ever Thanksgiving episode--sometime past Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to publish it before the end of November, but we'll see what happens then. Until then, I thank y'all for your patience and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving :)
          ~ Jade


Happy thanksgiving enjoy the food 


@LunarJade  Happy thanksgiving! :D