
I have the flu for some reason. >:(


Hey, Warriors!

Something awesome happened today!

A bird flew into our window.

I know this sounds awful, but hear me out.

The bird was perfectly fine, for starters. However, it was in shock, thus not moving for a while. During this period of time, it allowed my wicked sister and I to hold/pet it (I had gloves on, don't worry). Our father told us to put it in a cage so that our outside cat wouldn't get it whilst it recovered.

After some research, I have determined that the bird was a cedar waxwing.

Later on, after the bird went out of shock, we freed it.

Fly on,
  • W1l2d3

    @Lunar_M0ON  wow! So cool! I'm glad the bird flew in YOUR house, because maybe other people  wouldn't have been so nice to it XD 
      I've never heard of this species of bird, but I searched about it and it looks very beautiful (actually, in my opinion, all birds are very beautiful). Something similar happened to me recently, but with a kestrel chick
  • Lunar_M0ON

    @W1l2d3 :)
    I know, right? They're pretty common in my area (Yeah, birds are great).
    Cool, I love kestrels! :0


Hey, Warriors! (WARNING: Somewhat of a vent, but kind of more of sort of trying to see if this is normal/acceptable behavior)

My parents are and always have been very strict about food. If we don't eat nearly all of our food, no dessert (I don't mind this at all, as it seems fair). I'm not the most adventurous eater, one could say, and never have been. I dislike almost everything I try. My father has always hated this about me, it seems.

He constantly degrades me about it, and forces me to eat stuff that I dislike. By force, I mean give it to me regardless and not allow me to leave the table until I eat most of it. I'm used to this by now, as it as been consistent throughout my entire life.

Even if I'm merely full, he'll act like he doesn't believe me, like he thinks I'm only saying so to get out of eating stuff that I dislike. This has caused me to refrain from saying that I'm full, though I still will if I physically can't eat any more.

Earlier today, the whole family was discussing food for some reason, when I casually mentioned disliking strawberries and apples. This wasn't out of topic, so it wasn't like I was digging for attention or anything like that. It wasn't random or abrupt. This infuriated my parents. My mother remarked that this was too far, and I couldn't dislike fruits/vegetables, despite the fact that I have never liked these foods and eat most other fruits/vegetables without complaint.

I'm beginning to get rather sick of this behavior, and it's made me rather insecure about eating. I hate eating in front of people, as I constantly feel like they're judging me. Sometimes I under-eat a bit when possible to avoid it. If I can't avoid it, I usually try to ignore it or ensure that no one's paying attention to me before eating.

Is any of this normal? Any input is highly appreciated. <3

Fly on,
  • C0tali0n

    @Lunar_M0ON  No. It's not normal. I have people I know that are picky eaters or simply don't like trying out new foods whether they tried them or not. And their parents aren't forced to gut them into eating it. 
    What you dad does to you isn't right. It's wrong. At least from my pov it is. Because he's straight up torturing by force to do something you clearly don't want to do and then it affects your mental state and possibly physical state and that's when you should know it crossed the line. Because it makes you self aware to others who wouldn't even care about your food preferences. 
    Thanks to your parents+ your dads behavior you're having to live with what I'd say insecurities of food and treatment regarding food you dislike. Which again is not okay and not normal. 
  • Lunar_M0ON

    @ElMightBeAGiant Thanks for the input. :)
  • Lunar_M0ON

    @C0tali0n Thanks so much, your input is much appreciated. :)


Hey, Warriors!

My cat sometimes pretends that she's about to vomit so I carry her downstairs. It's rather devious.

Fly on,


Hey, Warriors!


Sorry, but I'm too lazy to go through everyone.

As for the reason for my inactivity, I unfortunately forgot about Wattpad in the chaos of my everyday life.

I've been rather busy, thus not having much time for the internet. I have become rather lonely as well, which suspiciously happened at around the same time last year as well. Why? I don't know.

I won second place in a Valentine's Day box making competition, and I'll try to post pictures of my box sometime tomorrow, but it may be delayed.

Anyway, I'm sorry about my absence, and I apologize if I caused any worry.

Fly on,


Hello! It's been a year since I've been on Wattpad Wattpad, and I'm having a party... But not really a "party", it's the day I make my idea known to the world!
  Wolves of Wattpad is a community that helps members get reads and comments on their books, and it's for absolutely all kinds of books! And I invite you to join it!
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   Have a wonderful day! <3