
Česky :
          	Dobře takže bych od vás potřebovala menší pomoc lidi co poslouchaji BTS, protože jsem momentálně mimo ohledně informací, protože mě vysiluje škola. 
          	Yoongi teďka psal na wevers že bude mít teďka pauzu, což velmi a dobře chápu, ale ještě tam píše o operaci a toto je pro mě úplná novinka a mám z toho špatný pocit.
          	Řekl by mi někdo prosím o co jde?
          	English :
          	Okay guys I would really need you help, because there is something going on with BTS and I have no idea what is going on because school is being really hard. 
          	Yoongi just send on wevers information about being on break, which is good and understanding with his joc, but there he is saying about an operation and that is new information for me and I just have a really bad feeling about this. 
          	Would someone be the love and explain this to me?


Česky :
          Dobře takže bych od vás potřebovala menší pomoc lidi co poslouchaji BTS, protože jsem momentálně mimo ohledně informací, protože mě vysiluje škola. 
          Yoongi teďka psal na wevers že bude mít teďka pauzu, což velmi a dobře chápu, ale ještě tam píše o operaci a toto je pro mě úplná novinka a mám z toho špatný pocit.
          Řekl by mi někdo prosím o co jde?
          English :
          Okay guys I would really need you help, because there is something going on with BTS and I have no idea what is going on because school is being really hard. 
          Yoongi just send on wevers information about being on break, which is good and understanding with his joc, but there he is saying about an operation and that is new information for me and I just have a really bad feeling about this. 
          Would someone be the love and explain this to me?