
[H I A T U S]


as i was making my way to bistro for work, i was handling a coffee in my hand that i got from the solus cafe just nearby to keep me a little awake and alert of my surroundings as i didn't get enough sleep later this morning.
          i turned on the left curb and gasped audibly because fortunately, i didn't get my body clashing onto someone's who was on the same way as mine and might've spilt the coffee on the person's shirt. 
          may i remind you, i was running like a cheetah at the moment.
          ' almost, thei. almost '
          i muttered a quick sorry before speeding up my pace again and looking at my watch for a time check.
          ' dang, it's 3:55, i'll be late '
          and i won't let that happen.
          but as my attention was about to focus on to where i was going, misfortune started to hit me now, like a btch.
          i felt the burning sensation on my skin when the brewed coffee inside the cup acted like a lava being splashed out everywhere. 
          " holy cheese ! "
          i muttered, hurt being evident in my voice that i forgot i wasn't the only victim of the incident.
          " what the hell ?! "
          i shot a glare from where the words were coming from but then it hit me that this was all my fault, so my face softened and guilt was clearly shown on how my cheeks were covered with a shade of cherry.


She looked around in the place and she saw you walking while sipping a lemonade drink that was in your hand. She decided to approach you because she seemed like she wanted to have the courage to talk to someone. "H-hi." She said while fidgeting her hands with the hem of her shirt. "I'm Ariadne Stark. What's your name?"


"wait!" Zaina said louldy so that the girl could hear her. She then quickly went outside there house and walked towards the girl who waited for her. "Hi! I'm Zaina" she offered a hand "citlalli zaina teylie" she continued, a sweet smile plastered on her face.


"wiccophilia? you love witchcrafts? that was... SO COOL OMG!, i never thought i would met someone who loves witchcrafts, and your phobia i see, i understand" she nodded then smiled. "if you feel lonely or what you can talk to me" the girl said. "oh are you coming at the party?" she asked with hesitation because of arden's phobia.