
i'm looking for cover contests to enter, so if you find any, either drop the link or tag me :)


If you haven't read my post below, I had to write a screenplay for school. I know the formatting's kind of weird, but I just wanted to share it with you all because some of you have expressed interest!
          So without further ado, here is VISION. Check it out here: 
          Depending on how stable my wifi is, I'll try to update every week. Feel free to give me critique! :)


should I post my screenplay that I wrote for school on wattpad? i mean, the formatting's probably wrong and all, but i have a great cover and i actually finished writing the first draft, which is crazy...


@Lunyxsta Yeah I'd love to read it Sue!


Yes please post it. I would love to see it although that’s up to you since you’re the writer. 


how's quarantine going for you all?


@Tunamoon online learning sucks - so many technical difficulties on top of the fact that teachers are giving me a ton more work than they usually would. there's not a day that goes by without some kind of technical difficulty or issue, which really sucks. i'm technically more susceptible to the virus, but i'm glad that it's not in my household yet. quarantine's been a great time for me to do things i've never really done before, though! more tv, more drawing, etc. camp nanowrimo, of course.


@Lunyxsta pretty good actually! I’m way less stressed and less tired bc no school (except some online stuff) and I’ve been doing lots of reading and stuff. I feel pretty fortunate that it’s not directly affecting me tho, I feel bad for people who are in bad situations rn :( how is yours going?


hey! long time no see fren! remember me? Cause i remember you! :)


@AreebaDazzle meh. covid + other stuff = stress.


@Lunyxsta dead as usual but okay! you?


@AreebaDazzle oh, i definitely recognized your username! hi - how have you been?


i'm so sorry if i say this here but i need somewhere to get it out and i just need people to listen to me and i just need to vent
          so i only have 2 pairs of pants that fit me - 1 pair of jeans and 1 pair of leggings. that's it. i alternate between them every day during school, and it wasn't great, but i survived. unfortunately, the pair of jeans i have are really tight on me now that they physically hurt my stomach and it's extremely painful to walk around, to bend, to sit down, etc. i can't stretch it more or anything so i'm literally down to 1 pair of pants, which is the pair of leggings. i've been wearing that for multiple days in a row at school and like i---
          i'm what y'all would call an "economically disadvantaged" "low income" (aka poor, if you put it bluntly) person. my family can't afford new clothes, and we don't have anyone we can depend on (aka no family friends) who are willing to give me clothes. i'd wear my mom's stuff but her stuff is way too big, leaving me out of options. my friend's won't buy me clothes either and for some reason want to give me random stickers for my b-day (which is coming up this month) which, if you add up, costs more than clothes but like ok??
          i need pants. badly. i just want to feel comfortable and clean at school, and i feel like i can't do that anymore. i'm not old enough to get a job yet, and i just have really limited options and i just feel so. freaking. helpless. i don't have money to buy stuff either, so like idk...
          i am sooooooooo sorry to be asking y'all this, and i totally understand if you say no. i'm really desperate, so if any of you all have any gift cards to stores like amazon or target or even e-gift cards, IF you are able to could any of you send me the code or something so i can actually wear something different, even if it's just every other day??? again, i sincerely apologize for saying all this and asking you this HUGE favor, but i'm really desperate here and i just don't know what to do ;-;


@Lunyxsta Oh, okay. :P My bad, I thought you lived in India. Glad to hear that, though! :)


@meroceank8921 i live in the us, but 1 pair of pants @ target costs about $14 :)


@Lunyxsta Are you from India or something? If you are, I know someone from India who once said almost the same thing! :D It would really help you out then! I'm glad to know that $15 would not be wasted where you're from!