
Hey everyone I have some bad news, my phone broke last sunday, and I wont be able to get a nee one for awhile, I am currently on my boyfriends, which I can only be on sometimes, im sorry for the inconvenience, however once I come back, I will get everything up and running again!


Hey everyone I have some bad news, my phone broke last sunday, and I wont be able to get a nee one for awhile, I am currently on my boyfriends, which I can only be on sometimes, im sorry for the inconvenience, however once I come back, I will get everything up and running again!


Hey I'm so sorry to those who are waiting for their character upload, but I accidentally deleted everything, so I will be restarting soon... Again I'm so sorry...


@_Pretty-Btch_ Well thank you so much! I will definitely keep that in mind! 


@_Pretty-Btch_  I need to make 2 other character pages, as well as yours, and then I still have to get about 4 more people... 


@_Sexy-Btch_   It's fine, I'm sorry that it's delaying your character page from going up.