Shared Account: @FireAndFisyx

"A human... they set their hearts on something, they'll get it, whether it's a dragon's hoard or an empire's throne."

-D&D 5E's Player's Handbook, describing humans

Hello there! You can call me Myth. Or Luthyx. Or pretty much any other name out there, I suppose. Chances are you'll know my real name by the time I publish my first novel, and that'll be what most fans refer to me as. In any case, welcome to my little corner of the internet!

If you'd like to learn more about my personality, look no further than the INFP-A personality type. The extensive description they have typed up there is far more expressive and accurate than anything I could cram into a 2000-character tooltip box.

Oh, and please: don't feed the pixies. They're already fat enough without your contributions.

Chapter One complete (freaking finally). Chapter Two halfway done, in need of editing.
  • Adrift among the planes
  • Se ha unidoApril 13, 2014

Último mensaje
Luthyx Luthyx Dec 10, 2016 01:31AM
I haven't posted anything here in monthsby the gods what happened
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