
To my followers, I apologize for being away from Wattpad for so long. I went through immense stress in school (exams/finals, ACT/SAT, projects, essays, college applications, etc.); I'm sure you did as well haha. Anyways, I have an update about Bad for Me! I am currently STARTING OVER. I am so sorry to those who have been waiting for another chapter about Leo and Giada, but I decided that because of my lengthy time away and my writer's block. I will write another book with that same name and characters but different (yet similar) plot. Thank you for being SO patient with me. I am so lucky to have incredible readers like you supporting me and my works. Thank you x100,000,000!
          	<3 - Annie - <3


To my followers, I apologize for being away from Wattpad for so long. I went through immense stress in school (exams/finals, ACT/SAT, projects, essays, college applications, etc.); I'm sure you did as well haha. Anyways, I have an update about Bad for Me! I am currently STARTING OVER. I am so sorry to those who have been waiting for another chapter about Leo and Giada, but I decided that because of my lengthy time away and my writer's block. I will write another book with that same name and characters but different (yet similar) plot. Thank you for being SO patient with me. I am so lucky to have incredible readers like you supporting me and my works. Thank you x100,000,000!
          <3 - Annie - <3


Like I said in my other comment, I need an explanation to everything! I don't understand what Paul's motives are, what Alex has to do with the situation, why Harry is such a threat, why josh wants to capture him and the deal with Henry? If anything explains itself later, then don't tell me but it would be a really big help cause I want to enjoy the story without being confused


If anybody reads this and has read CONCEALED, can you please explain to me what is going on in the book CONCEALED? I'm at chapter 24 and I don't understand anything. 


@kayrayx basicly Alex falls in love with harry and was almost raped by Bill and ends up in the hospital and than u find out harry is saposebly "dead" there's more books