
Hey y’all I know I dont talk or do anything on this app but I am moving to instagram and discord 
          	If you wanna hit me up on there heres my socials 
          	Discord: mxrcuryflores
          	Instagram: psychic_yeon (based off of my oc) 
          	As for my books, I might move that to tumblr. I’ll still hop in here once in a blue moon to say hi to a few friends but i’ll be more active on my other social media accounts.


Hey y’all I know I dont talk or do anything on this app but I am moving to instagram and discord 
          If you wanna hit me up on there heres my socials 
          Discord: mxrcuryflores
          Instagram: psychic_yeon (based off of my oc) 
          As for my books, I might move that to tumblr. I’ll still hop in here once in a blue moon to say hi to a few friends but i’ll be more active on my other social media accounts.


this message may be offensive
[Strange encounters — ?? | Naruto centered AU]
          As the ravenette ran - better said limped , through the forest , his leg was bleeding . He might have gotten a little too careless with training - one thing led to another , and here he is . It wasn’t a horrid wound , however , it felt like it was gushing . He was so dead when the academy student came home .
          Limping through the forest , back home , or to find someone who can help , because right now ; he couldn’t do it , himself . Not being able to do anything with Medical jutsu has its downfall , even non Med shinobi’s know a few tips and tricks for this . He , on the other hand , does not . Sucks to suck ?
          He was frankly exhausted — the sun looked like it was melting . The blazing sun was setting over the horizon , he really wanted to get home by curfew . In .. 1 hour and 15 minutes . Fuck .  


( Preteen ! Kirumi in part 1 — Naruto centered AU ) 
          As the door opened , a blonde haired child could be seen sniffling and choking on tears - burning his eyes and making his throat lump . Often times whenever there were issues with ,, anything ; he ran to the Yeon household . Practically his second home . 
          “ .. Zoey ..? Can I come in ..? ”
          His eyes seemed to be a leaky faucet - as his tear ducts leaked ; he avoided eye contact . Oh . It was one of *those* visits .


            “ Kakashi always has a ‘calm’ expression when mad, I don’t trust it… “ 
            Emily said softly, Leo decided to ignore it since he has a grudge against Kakashi for personal reasons. He put out the fireplace too. 
            “ I’m going back to sleep. I don’t wanna deal with HIM right now. “ Leo grabbed his cup of tea and left the room. 


[ @Luxa_L0L ]
            " Maybe I should just go home ? He probably isn't going to be mad , he looks pretty put together ,,, I don't think he's mad . " 
            He whispered to Emily , sheilded by the cloth . He wouldn't be getting an anwser,  he knew that . Nervously , Kirumi fidgeted with his hands to reduce his stress , keeping his position by the window . 
            Oh god , Leo was going to deal with Kakashi ? This ,, is not good . Leo can be pretty reclusive , but it's his dad . It's *Kakashi* , he can be assertive sometimes , and the young adult might not take it too kindly . He didn't want to cause any problems , he really didn't it .
             His stomach was in a knot , he felt nauseous . He really needed to calm down . But how could he when his dad was knocking on the door looking for him ?? 
            He watched as Leo approached the door , looking out the peep hole — seeing how his facial expression changed to a grimace , this would not be good . 


            “ Maybe I can get Zoey and Leo to drive him away? Kakashi mainly listens to them the most… “ 
            Emily was just tired and nibbling on hard cookies, Kakashi knocked on the door. She was hiding under the table with the table cloth hide her, she was scared of Kakashi. 
            Leo came downstairs and went to go get a warm drink . That a normal Yeon habit , to get up from their sleep and get a snack/drink.  
            “ Who the hell is knocking at this time?.. “ 




apparently i didnt—


i thought i did but 


crying emoji 