
The first chapter of the rewrite is out, please go check it out! I'm much happier with it and I hope y'all are too! (I haven't finished the cover yet so it's my pfp at the moment)


I'm back after a little over 2 years and I will be rewriting my fanfics to keep myself busy during summer break. I'm rewriting my Zanvis fanfic first cause that was the first one I made. This also means I will POSSIBLY continue writing it, for now I am just rewriting it as a separate book. I would suggest checking out the most recent chapter on it for further info if you're interested.


Beautiful Person Award!


Mmm goooood.


@StephinaYoshi okay, I have a few in mind so


You can give it to 8 people if you want. It doesn’t matter if you don’t or not just a nice thing to do I suppose 