
Hye guys! Nak bagitau, cerita Married to Royal Prince, Who Are You dengan You're Mine akan diunpublish seketika. Saya nak habiskan The Vampire Princess dulu. Sorry buat korang yang masih tunggu update dari saya. InsyaAllah tajuk tajuk diatas, akan dipublish semula sesuai permintaan ya. Terima Kasih kepada semua yang menyokong cerita saya. ❤


Hye guys! Nak bagitau, cerita Married to Royal Prince, Who Are You dengan You're Mine akan diunpublish seketika. Saya nak habiskan The Vampire Princess dulu. Sorry buat korang yang masih tunggu update dari saya. InsyaAllah tajuk tajuk diatas, akan dipublish semula sesuai permintaan ya. Terima Kasih kepada semua yang menyokong cerita saya. ❤


I'm not an author with a lot of followers or reader. I'm writing because I want to. It's one of my dream to be able to publish a book. But, certain people who have a chance to do so, destroy my dream completely. It's give me such a big impact. Like, I was totally thinking either I should go on with this "orange world" nor quit it for good? 


@Lyianlee chin up, kita memang tak boleh paksa org utk stay but we still can 'tarik' new reader to read ur book. ur book akan jumpa they own audience jgn risau just jgn stop menulis :) one day someone akan jdikan ur book as a 'home to escape' inshaAllah. have a faith!


But seriously, thank you for your encouragement. Even daripada seorang, tapi it still bagi I semangat♡♥︎


Haii, So lately I'm been thinking about something. I have a question, like how did you found your talent or ambition like what you wanna be after being graduated or what course do you wanna study? Can anyone tell me how? Sebab seriously aku tak tau what my talent really is and what is my ambition. 
          Aku appreciate and hope sangat korang reply kat sini! Thank you!


@froszrine I see. Actually course yang I belajar dekat Uni pun based on my mon preference and unfortunately, I tak minat benda tu but I still belajar sampai habis dah pun, tinggal nak convo je. But, i rasa macam hidup i tak ada hala tuju and i tak ada talent so, dia macam i keep wondering centu. Btw , no need to be sorry and thanks reply❤️ 


@Lyianlee as for me, i follow apa yg my mak suruh haha since i tak ada hala tuju sgt dulu then lama2 trminat dekat bidang tu smpai la masuk uni. lps tu i minat menulis so apa yg i blajar dekat uni i try to apply dlm my penulisan
            i'm sorry if tak membantu huhu, hope u'll find urs ❤ yg penting kena dgn jiwa u sbb hidup u, u yg tentukan :)


Hello, just nak bagi tau, AV Stories dengan Pinky Noona VS Alien Namja dah officially unpublish for now. Thank you kepada sesiapa je yang sudi baca cerita tu.
          Kalau ada permintaan, InsyaAllah Lyian akan edit balik dua-dua cerita tu secara menyeluruh. Thank you once again! 


@Lyianlee (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Hello semua readers You Are Mine!
          First of all, Ian nak say sorry. Ian baru perasan, banyak sangat grammatical error dari awal bab sampai bab sekarang ni. And, jalan cerita jadi agak mengelirukan sebab sis tersalah alur cerita. Maaf sangat-sangat. Salah sis sebab tak cek dulu bab bab terdahulu before publish bab baru. So, I'll edit that later on. Sorry tau


Hye,  since I've been too busy lately, so I'm gonna announce my hiatus here.  Stories The Vampire Princess( TVP) , You're Mine,  Married to Royal Prince(MTRP) and Who Are You (WAY)  are officially  having a long hiatus and the status will be on hold and hiatus.  I'm truly sorry for the inconvenient...  I hope there's still a person who wanna read this story..