
a wrinkle in time was SUCH a good book I remember loving it SOOO much when I read it in middle school and I genuinely enjoyed it despite it being one of those assigned books from English class. and when the movie adaption came out,,, I still rather liked it ! 
          	if not rewatching the movie, I would like to reread it, and perhaps write a oneshot inspired by it hmm :T


a wrinkle in time was SUCH a good book I remember loving it SOOO much when I read it in middle school and I genuinely enjoyed it despite it being one of those assigned books from English class. and when the movie adaption came out,,, I still rather liked it ! 
          if not rewatching the movie, I would like to reread it, and perhaps write a oneshot inspired by it hmm :T


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is there any sort of way to pin messages/posts/assignments on google classroom ???? i swear I’m actually about to throw myself out my window bc there is no fucking reason why i should have to scroll down to fucking argentina to get my damn zoom meeting information everyday I’m so over it
          and also additionally, if they added pinning assignments to your personal classroom stream, it would make it SO MUCH EASIER for me to keep track of assignments I’m gonna do and tbh it would make it seem so fucking easy and maybe then i wouldn’t be such a lazy bastard stuck in a depressive slump and actually do my work to pass the goddamn class :)))))))


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i have the WORSE migraine rn and im not even on my period I-
          I’d fucking stop it somehow, but i can’t even like identify whether or not it’s like a dehydration migraine or a hunger migraine 
          or like ??? a fuckin stress migraine or even a coffee withdrawal migraine ???
          last year before the world went to shit, every week (monday) I had orchestra rehearsal after school, and so I would drop by my local 58 degree bakery for coffee before it started (it was like down the street past one set of traffic lights, just a quick walk) and when we were all quarantined I couldn’t get the coffee anymore and I was thrown into the most SEVERE caffeine withdrawals ever and it gave me the most BRUTAL migraines ever, probably even worse than my usual menstrual migraines so
          yeah ??? I don’t think that’s it bc I had coffee from 85 like four days in a row and today and yesterday were the only days I haven’t drank it bc that’s not long enough for withdrawals so it’s probably just another factor but my GOD is it horrible


heyhihihello :>
          so sometime this year I’m planning on piercing my ears again (bc idk I just want another piercing) but I’m still but sure where I should get my second piercing :T
          any suggestions :^> ??


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god. it’s just so frustrating and upsetting being an american right know, yknow ? 
          i’m just fortunate enough to live in socal yknow, so things are definitely not as bad here as everywhere else (of course we still have our fair share of trumpies and their stupid maga hats and flags)  and it’s just like ????
          as a minority with immigrant family, it’s just really heartbreaking and terrifying to think what the hell could potentially happen to one of them had they been in the wrong place at the wrong time yknow ?


I know this is 2 hours ago, but what-


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i went to sleep at like three/four am last night (this morning..?) and had to wake up for my 8:30 class and I did so like five minutes prior to it starting and I’m fucking MISERABLE
          what happened to the me who would pull all nighter after all nighter in middle school,,, pain<3
          it’s probably bc I got a large hazelnut latte from my local 85 degrees bakery and ended up crashing at fourish (and tOTaLlY nOT because I was reading fanfics on ao3 last night PSHHH)
          anyway yeah im fucking EXHAUSTED


            *cOuGhs in i feel the same way but I'm in middle skool*