
Hey guys... So... I just found out that my uncle has cancer.... I wasn't expecting this and really appreciated reading some of you guys works.
          	This is a hard time for me so my already slow updates will be even slower. 
          	I am sorry guys, I just need time to calm down and turn down my empathy levels for a bit. I'll probably still be up for roleplays, but not guaranteed.


Hey guys... So... I just found out that my uncle has cancer.... I wasn't expecting this and really appreciated reading some of you guys works.
          This is a hard time for me so my already slow updates will be even slower. 
          I am sorry guys, I just need time to calm down and turn down my empathy levels for a bit. I'll probably still be up for roleplays, but not guaranteed.


Oh wow. Oh geez.
          It's a Lynn.
          I thought she was dead?!
          XD hey guys. It's been a while. I have recently decided to restart my writing because I had an issue with how my stories were going. 
          Anyways, I'm back. 
          I finally decided on a nickname for you guys!
          Here it is:
          Silver Gems!
          I know it sounds dumb, but I like it.