
I just did a hella confusing tarot read, it's kinda interesting what I pulled as a card and I don't know how to think... I dunno if anybody cares bud...


I feel the need to explain something because it has come to my attention that my responses are more sporadic than I've ever typically been. I would like to apologize first off: for the late replies or not responding at all. 
          I am very sorry to those of whom I have been slow to respond to, this is because I've been busy in real life, I have been stressed due to homework- and just life in general. 
          Please expect slower responses in the future, as I may still be stressed and have more "real life" stresses in the future. 
          I am sorry to those I've confused or aggravated by my lack of response. 


Hey can I ask a question 


@paulinahikari I don't know any of them? Sorry


@paulinahikari I'm not really interested/invested in the aus... Sorry


✨️Paste✨️✨️this✨️✨️on✨️✨️the✨️✨️ten✨️✨️nicest ✨️✨️people's ✨️✨️profiles ✨️✨️and✨️✨️if✨️✨️you✨️✨️get✨️✨️ten✨️✨️back✨️✨️you✨️✨️are✨️✨️really✨️✨️special✨️