
When and how did I get followers? Like, I don't do anything to deserve you all. Thank you!


Okay, so what exactly do you all think I should post? Open to most suggestions including or involving...
          Fanfiction: Avengers, Harry Potter, Angel Beats, OHSHC, Avatar (or a new generation type thing), Dinosaur King, AI Football GGO, Noragami, Rise of the Guardians, Yu-Gi-Oh, Maximum Ride... (Idk, there's a lot)
          Fiction: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Realistic fiction...
          And anything that you wish for me to continue that is already on my page.


Update: All of my Stories other than 'Just This Once' are currently on hold until I can get a solid update schedule together and stick to it for a week. 
          'Just This Once' Chapter 2 (02. Winter) is about halfway done, and will be posted on Wednesday as previously posted.
          Friday will be used for weekly updates, and please remember that story updates are inspired by readers like you, thank you!


Another Update, Chapter two is now in the process of editing. Yay!