Starting day at 3 AM then go to bed early yay yay. I finally managed to find happiness in simple things as well as accepting and loving myself the way I am with small steps. It's still a long journey ahead <3.


@M00NRIDER  Ik we don`t know eachother but I`m glad you`re feeling better now and that you found love in yourself. Keep going. You`re doing wonderful


@M00NRIDER Opening PMs saddens me for some reason. The flashbacks.


Starting day at 3 AM then go to bed early yay yay. I finally managed to find happiness in simple things as well as accepting and loving myself the way I am with small steps. It's still a long journey ahead <3.


@M00NRIDER  Ik we don`t know eachother but I`m glad you`re feeling better now and that you found love in yourself. Keep going. You`re doing wonderful


@M00NRIDER Opening PMs saddens me for some reason. The flashbacks.


@darlinghazuki Yes, totally! It's been more than half a year. Life can be big WTF moment sometimes, yeah? But every cloud has silver lining, yours included. All the hard times that we've endured, sometimes our future selves will look back to our selves and being thankful from how much we've grown up and endure those times! I believe in you, so you must believe more in yourself. Ah, sorry that life has been not-so-kind to you. I'm willing to hear you out if you need to vent! And that's so cool that you're working now. Make sure to take breaks and don't overwork yourself. No no no, you first! Thanks. Loving the vibes of your new account too. Will read your story soon. Just finished and exam and it's getting late here so I'm going to rest. Good morning for you and make sure to not skip breakfast. Have a nice day, Hailey <3.


@darlinghazuki I'm actually surprised that you still remember my birthday and me in general. It's been months. Like, actual months... Pardon me for not doing the same to you on May back then. I was thinking to come back, but life has been tremendously hectic, so many stuffs have changed! My apologies. Seriously, still trying my best to figure out what's this and that in this place again. To be honest, writing and video games remind me of you a lot. And college too! I still remember that you'll go to one during fall season (?). Anyways, how have you been? I miss you more! 


I'm alive again, finally. my apologies for being super unstable. I've been struggling with a lot of personal issues since last year, but so far, family issues are the worst and affecting my health tremendously, both physically and mentally. it kinda feels like decomposing alive. however, now my parents are finally divorced for good. it has helped getting things back on track, step by step. I'll probably start roleplaying again, can't promise much though, since I need to readjust writing in english first. everyone is being so understanding with me in pms, I really appreciate it. thank you so much. please make sure to take care of yourself well, stay safe and hydrated.
          with love, 
          lea :)


@M00NRIDER oh god i opened up wattpad and saw your username and went insane this is so crazy 
            i’m honestly glad you took so much time off of here to instead focus on yourself, so don’t worry about being late, especially in a scenario like this!!
            but thank you for the offer as well, you’ve always been super nice to me and i really appreciate that!!  <3


@TOHOfficialRaine Eight months late, but it's okay now. So many stuffs happened. Sorry, beloved. Just remembered this place out of nowhere after months. I do appreciate the concern, little one.
            @amicursedd Thank you! That's so kind of you. Much appreciated. Also, eight months late, sorry about that. Just managed to get things under control! Mostly due to moving to another country alone and trying to figure out everything on my own, including starting jobs, college, and such. Regardless, it's all good now, sweetling. You do the same, alrighty? Whenever you need to vent or anything like that, do reach me out. I hope you've been doing well!


            i hope it all gets better, if you ever need anybody to talk to just lmk ! 
            i can give u my discord or smth : )


crying over abandoned motorcycle.
          it deserves better owner, seriously.
          for the first time, I can't restore the engine compartments.
          whatever, I'm just gonna try again.
          not giving up on you bud.
          why does this makes me so sad lol.
          at this rate, everything makes me sad.


@yonige my apologies for being gone for so long hun, things have been going incredibly bad after lunar new year. I feel like being a bad friend to you, and I can't apologize enough for that, sorry. it's understandable if you don't wanna be friends with me anymore due to my unstability. however, thanks for always being here for me hailey, and since it's nearly valentine day, I want to set an early and special reminder that you're so precious and deserves all the love in the world, I really meant it <3


@yonige that's a good idea!! don't overwork yourself though, I overworked myself and suddently that method isn't working anymore—obviously. throughout my hiatus, I've found more ways to deal with depression though. the key is to accepting the problem and not distracting yourself from it. for ex, don't work out for the sake of getting rid of your depression—red flag, instead, treat working out as self improvement, building healthy habit, and to cope with it. I can elaborate more if you want to, dealing with depression is hard, especially if alone, totally sucks. oh that's so sweet! this might come as super long so don't force yourself for responding if you don't wanna! that means a lot to me really. thanks for being your authentic self as well, please don't change yourself for the sake of pleasing others! 


@yonige thanks for being super understanding hailey! and yes, it's literally just constant repetitive and unpredictable cycle, so it's totally sucks, but yes, I've been working out a lot more for distracting myself from those negative feelings! I think it works, endorphin stimulation lol. you can also use that way whenever you're feeling down, exercising helps a lot actually. feel free to reach out to me too! great I can't wait to see your new theme. eh what are you thanking for though?