So it's been awhile since I've been on this account.. Any new MGK fanfics you guys are reading!? I need some new reads :)


I just wanted to speak my peace out something. There's a lot of stuff that's been going on inside the EST family I have came to know and love and I just want to say something - we are all human beings. We all have feelings and opinions and it's okay that sometimes those opinions don't line up with our own. Sometimes family members don't get along. This is okay. But never will it ever be okay to talk badly about someone behind their back just because you think you are right about a situation. What has happened in the past happened in the past - leave it there. Move on and live your life. We don't need any negativity going around - just love. We all need a little more love, remember that. I'm not calling anyone out; this is just based on observations. I love all my EST family members <3 Ya'll are the best. So now that I've got that off my chest, everyone have a great day!! :)


My fellow EST members,
          Please make sure you are spreading the word about this page!!
          For any of you who are writing/planning on writing a fanfic, let me know - either send me DM or profile and let me know so I can add them to the list.
          Much love, fam. xoxo.


Tomorrow is Kells' birthday, guys! I can't believe how far he's come. From "Chip Off the Block", "Wild Boy", "Raise the Flag" to his newest "Till I Die", "Against the World", and "A Little More". He's truly evolved into an inspirational human being. He continues to prove that you can follow your dreams, regardless of what anyone around you says. Dedication is key. I feel extremely blessed to be apart of a movement where - even though many of us have never met him - feel extremely close to him because he allows us to know him personally through his music, KellyVisions and social media posts. He isn't afraid to be himself and that's something that should be celebrated in a industry that is so cookie-cutter and controlling. I'm glad we have a voice that feels so strongly for his fans and is continuously trying to make us happy. He's the bEST. 
          Hope ya'll have a amazing day! Lace up.


Hope everyone had a good weekend! Hope ya'll were watching out for those instagram pictures/snap stories K was putting up of him directing his first music video "A Little More". Too hype for that and the "Till I Die Remix" to drop!
          Comment with any fanfics you're ready at the moment!
          Lace up fam.


Incase any of you missed it last night, Kells was on BET's new show The Experiment.
          Here's a link to the full episode:


@bagbug hahah yesss. I'm excited. I hope people take the opportunity to write some good fan fics with his personal taste. I need some new reads :) btw, I think I'll honestly cry the day he gets a girlfriend.


Did u hear what he's looking for in the perfect lady? I smell some inspiration for the fan fics. lol