
@minorityvsmajority I know. <333333 And Alan Rickman is mine, man. I mean, seriously....


Just thought I should say, I'm reading "The Cowboy" and I LOVE all of the bands you mentioned and I can also play WTTBP on piano. And next to all of that, I barrel race and draw. 


Aww that’s awesome! My life has changed so much since then.  I haven’t even read the cowboy in years. I hope you liked it! I think it gets kinda bad after chapter 9. Haha. 


Haii if you like MCR and FOB and punk then you should look at Black veil Brides and New Years Day


@DarcyHunter Oh my word you scared me! I was like who the heck was I talking to about bands?? xD But then I remembered I wrote it on the story. I have tried BVB but I'm not a huge fan D: I hadn't heard New Years Day before but they're also a bit more rockish than I like. But I really love P!atD and MCR and Melanie Martinez (totally different genre).