
Hi! I’m trying to reply to your comment on my book Alpha Female. I thought it was a very good comment and was excited to reply, but it won’t let me post it for some reason. So, here’s the reply to your comment. Sorry I’m having to go to your profile!
          I’m writing a book that is set in the same universe as this one, and it’s about the vampires from that realm. I haven’t published it yet, but the ‘king’ of the vampire realm explains it. They get blood from the human realm and have designated people who handle getting it to and from the realm. Instead of hunting, like they did in ancient times, the royal family came up with a way to sort of civilize it. They don’t hunt, since the blood is brought back for them to consume in their realm. Some vampires do legally live in the human realm, and those are the ones who are designated to bring the blood back from the human realm. They basically use donated blood, which the humans think is going towards things like hospitals, etc. But really, it’s just feeing the vampires. In this universe, vampires don’t have to drink consistently to stay nourished. So they are able to sustain themselves off donated blood, without fear of running out. 


@MVstory90 thank you so much! That means a a lot. You just described the character the way I hoped others would perceive her to a tee! Thank you!


@bGoforth Yes, would love to read it.
            This explanation makes sense now.
            Btw, love the way you ha e written Alpha Female. I'm so glad that some wrote a good, strong female lead that is witty, strong, compassionate, makes mistakes, Owns up to them, admits when weak, isn't rude or nasty, accepts help when given and is not all out against men. Great Job  


I’m sorry, I just realized I have published it. It’s called Impassioned, if you would like to check it out. Hope I answered your question! 