
I wrote - I'm spicy brained and hasn't stopped enough for me to create nonwork stuff but then this morning, listening to the Arctic Monkey's suddenly something I had ended up on my screen and my brain was so calm and quiet. It is the intro to something I probably won't finish in the real world unless I'm encouraged but it's an interesting blend of my two muses and has other creative juices flowing. It's in my Higher Ground file - chapter nine.


I wrote - I'm spicy brained and hasn't stopped enough for me to create nonwork stuff but then this morning, listening to the Arctic Monkey's suddenly something I had ended up on my screen and my brain was so calm and quiet. It is the intro to something I probably won't finish in the real world unless I'm encouraged but it's an interesting blend of my two muses and has other creative juices flowing. It's in my Higher Ground file - chapter nine.


Oh what Madame T has a new story? Are you sure? How can this be?? We thought she'd retired. 
          Yes gang I'm back - Nia has been living in my head rent free for a couple of years, she has now jumped on her Ducati and roared out onto Wattpad. Hope you will give it a go!


Quiet days unassuming days can change quickly and then in the blink of an eye your life is changed forever. That happened to me 40 years ago today (1 August) when I was barely a teen and then again just over a month ago. I've written a little piece in my Higher Ground short story file.


So I finally wrote something - it's a in my Higher Ground file - loved to know if you think it's worth pursuing.


@OnceUponASonder the pub hasn't existed since the late 70s, it also allows me to vaguely point to the police corruption in innercity 70s Sydney. And i'm not sure they still have shooters and meat fridges out there now. Plus you sure as eggs can't raid emus nests for your Christmas cake eggs and I'm not sure that you'd be able to have leg of roo shot that morning. And passenger trains out west. Though i'm pretty sure that was one of the times my aunt caught the bus out to us.


@MadameTango - hmmm, personally I’d set it now unless there’s a good reason for it to be set in the 70s?


@OnceUponASonder do I set it now or in the 70s? And that was pretty much flow of consciousness straight up I've been refining it since