
@rociosmiles Of course! I'm glad you like Jessica's book and I'll be more than happy to help you out. Send me your story and I'll get it done as quickly as possible! :) My e-mail is
          	But I'm going to be away from any form of computer technology all this week until Friday so if you send it this week, I'll get cracking on it on the weekend.


@rociosmiles Of course! I'm glad you like Jessica's book and I'll be more than happy to help you out. Send me your story and I'll get it done as quickly as possible! :) My e-mail is
          But I'm going to be away from any form of computer technology all this week until Friday so if you send it this week, I'll get cracking on it on the weekend.


hahaha im just getting into Dr Who actually so take it easy on me though i have to say my favourite dr who's are matt smith and david tennant hahaha i was introduced to dr who by my friend tara... as well as the beatles haha she's legend.


Ok I probably scared you as well (lol)
          I just visited Kyle's page and realised that I had walked in on a bit of a fight between them so I thought I would come and check out the person who loves Dr Who and the beatles :)  
          I think that Dr Who is one of the best shows ever....especiall with RIver Song and the Dr. It is like the whole mystery fianlly came out! I remeber back t o the library of silence when we first saw her and I rember thinking "who is she!" It sort of makes a bit more sense now.
          Anyway  It is great talking to you...hopefully  we will chat some more later... that is if my friends haven't scared you off :)


hi there * waves hand while smiling* 
          I'm Kate and I go to School with Jess, Maddie, Isabell and a bunch of other really cool and awesome kids :) 
          Thought I'd come and fan you and join this massive convo although it seems I'm a tad late though.....*frowns* anyway!
          Don't be worried about TheWarpedOnes (they are only maddie and isabel). *giggles* hope to talk soon