
          	You may have noticed this announcement and thought “who the hell is that?”
          	Since I released Harly as an e-book as well as a paperback, I realized how embarrassing it was to explain to my friends and family that I write under a pseudonym. So I have, yet again, changed my profile on Wattpad.
          	My name is Madison Sisemore, and I hope to write many, many more books to come (: 
          	I’ll be updating covers to previously released books to match the name change.
          	Hope to see y’all in future comments!


I just read in Six Years Time and it is undoubtedly very very good. Your profile bio is selling you short! I can't wait to finish your story.


@TheAlienObserver Thank you so much for the kind words! I've had to take a bit of a hiatus on In Six Years' Time but I will definitely be coming back to it. Thank you for reading it :)


Hey read your story Harley. It was quite an engaging mixture of horror, love and life. Hope you write more stories ( completed one's ) soon I would love to read them.


@EmanPrincess3 Hello, thank you for the comment! I appreciate it :) I do have plans to write more books (the draft I have of In Six Years' Time is the one I'm focusing on currently) and I plan  to post t hem here as well as Kindle Vella, which is sort of like Amazon's version of Wattpad.


          You may have noticed this announcement and thought “who the hell is that?”
          Since I released Harly as an e-book as well as a paperback, I realized how embarrassing it was to explain to my friends and family that I write under a pseudonym. So I have, yet again, changed my profile on Wattpad.
          My name is Madison Sisemore, and I hope to write many, many more books to come (: 
          I’ll be updating covers to previously released books to match the name change.
          Hope to see y’all in future comments!


Hello everyone!
          I just wanted to say that I have released Harly as an e-book on Amazon kindle. If you want to keep it forever, it’s up for purchase. (I would have made it free but Amazon doesn’t allow that and mama needs to pay her bills lol) 
          More books to come, working on a few now if you wanna check em out and tell me what you think. 


I read Harly, and it was my first horror book. I have obviously watched horror movies before and I have even read a few short stories or horror scenes but not a book itself. I loved the book and everything about it. I loved the ending too. I just want to ask, will there be a squeal or Epilogue??


@NotYourDeshima Haha, I appreciate it a lot! I hope my future books meet your standards as well!


That's okay. I just want you to know that even though it was forced, it was really amazing. And if this was forced, then I can't wait to read the books which you'll write with all your heart because they'll be mind blowing


@NotYourDeshima Most likely not! :( I started to get tired of writing it around chapter 10 so the rest of the book was super forced. I don't like writing books that I don't put my all into so I think Harly ends here, to your imagination. :)


My profile is undergoing renovations. I discovered there was already a successful writer using Mia Knight, so I put the full last name. That means I'll need to make a new logo and change the covers on all my stories.


@xoMiaKnightingale  Congratulations on your new name, and wishing you all the best in the future!


Hello everyone!
          Today I’m releasing a chapter of a story I began a long time ago but never completed. I wanted to get some opinions on it! Whether or not the storyline was something you’d be interested in reading, or if I should just scrap it!
          It’s a draft from a *while* ago, so it obviously needs some editing.
          Just leave me a comment or shoot me a message with your thoughts or suggestions! I love feedback. (: 