
lowkey wanna write any Loki fanfic but I’m already working on the two PLUS I just got an idea for a Donnie darko fic. 
          	I hate this lmaooo


That’s it.
          I’m writing fan fics for Pietro Maximoff (marvel), Tangerine (bullet train), and Bruce Wayne (the Batman) and you can’t tell me no


As you should. PERIODT.


@Madzobsessions pleaseee! I can’t wait


So I sort of forgot I was writing an X-Men fanfic and already have two more drafts … and I already have a new fic coming out on Friday (which I won’t say what it is) and I’m super excited! So I might pause the X-Men fic. Idk when I wanna come back to it but I really do want to. Anyways that’s all! Have a great rest of your day