Feeling almost like a secret
Hidden in an emerald sea
And I'm drowning in your green eyes
Got that power over me
If I told you how I really feel
Would you let me in?
Would you tell me all your secrets?
Tell me where you've been?

Hey Stalkerss!!
This starts my messy Intro ( which I have no plan on recreating )
Yet to be Adult and The most boring person you've ever met
Relationship Status : I'm very much happy with my Dear Books
My love for books is extreme
I like reading just like you guys here on Wattpad except for studies

I'll prolly delete this after since its lame and embarrassing
but I wanted to write this intro just for those Authors and Readers
I know my reading lists look very offending and I'm sorry for that
It's according to my reading plan and I divide it according to how I feel

Authors : All of your books are amazing . Its just that i loose interest really quick after just reading the first chapter and place them in one of my lists.

Readers : All the books I choose whether I like or not , I place them in my lists
So that readers like you guys who come here to rummage through my lists can find something they like since we both have different tastes in books.

This is my poor excuse of a not so intro ( not really one )
I suck at intros and making convos even if my life depends on it.

Maybe when I'm old and wrinkly , I'll make effort to arrange my profile.

My first few lists are old. I just use the ones which starts with quotes.
I think u''l know which I currently use . Its after Fantasy.
If you guys find any books which are really good , dm me so I can read them.

Open to dms to make convos with random people.

Written on : 4th July 2021
  • Slaying Dragons in DR Cassell College
  • BergabungSeptember 12, 2018

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