My name is Mailin. I don't release many stories and such but I'd be happy if you would follow me. I am from Norway. I want to go to Japan one day. I love dreaming! <3

I like reading m/m fanfiction.
Some of the fandoms I'm in are:
Dan and Phil
Kpop in general
I'm also a causal anime fan.
Lord of the rings

Most people would call me something straight out of Tumblr because I support and believe in genders beyond the binary and all kinds of sexualities. I myself am Asexual.
  • ПриєднавсяNovember 7, 2014


Останнє повідомлення
MailinMeg02 MailinMeg02 Nov 06, 2015 03:41PM
I published two oneshots! Enjoy! <3 ☺️
Переглянути всі бесіди

Історій від MailinMeg02
A Journey Of Memories від MailinMeg02
A Journey Of Memories
Jihoon awakes from a coma after 2 long years of sleep. The thing is... he doesn't remember anything. He doesn...
Innesperrede problemer (Oneshot) від MailinMeg02
Innesperrede problemer (Oneshot)
Dette er et moderne eventyr om en person som har stengt seg selv ute fra virkeligheten. (Oneshot)
Blodbrødrene від MailinMeg02
Gutten Rin befinner seg plutselig på et helt fremmed sted uten forklaring. Et møte med en mystisk mann fører...
1 Список для читання