
@vanitycat Hey there! I remember you! :D
          	Thanks for the comment. I've been sick and busy, but now things have finally simmered down and I can start posting again. I'll have to catch up on the stuff you've posted since I've been gone. :]


@Mairose And it looks like you've been pretty busy too... *jaw drops*  at the number of pages. Excellent work. Good to see you've been productive. Dont worry I had about a 6 month sabbatical due to tax exams. Which I can state with pure conviction is not fun. But I'm on board now with the burning desire to finish a story. 


Hi Jael. Thank you for your kind words on perfect life :-), I get a quite a few nice comments but I definately felt yours was one of the best which is why I shall be definately adding your book to my library to read when I get a chance. The description alone intrigues me, but then again anything involving the afterlife usually does.