
Still trying to find the motivation to start writing QES again. Meanwhile, here is a snippet that made me smile. 
          	(Zain is about to go on another mission)
          	“Don’t do anything stupid out in the field,” Fiza said, as we exited the command and control room. 
          	Confused, I glanced at her. “What do you mean?”
          	“I mean, if you end up in the ER again, a crazy woman threatened to strangle you with her own two hands,” she chuckled. When I gaped at her she simply shrugged. “I’m just the messenger, take it up with your lady love.”
          	“Don't calling her that.”
          	“Gray-eyed beauty then.” 
          	“Oh come on, you need a name that really describes her. How about Haseena?” she teased again. 
          	“Fiza… “ I glared at my colleague. I already had a name defining the crazy woman's very essence. 
          	She was Rah - my reason to live.


Weird but I can’t read your reply as soon as I touch it the reply disappears 


@patni02 hmm... that's so weird. I was just saying that I was fasting when I read your message and the brownies made me hungry fr


@RitanyaShree hang in there!! I think we're just two or three chapters away from the prologue scene!


Still trying to find the motivation to start writing QES again. Meanwhile, here is a snippet that made me smile. 
          (Zain is about to go on another mission)
          “Don’t do anything stupid out in the field,” Fiza said, as we exited the command and control room. 
          Confused, I glanced at her. “What do you mean?”
          “I mean, if you end up in the ER again, a crazy woman threatened to strangle you with her own two hands,” she chuckled. When I gaped at her she simply shrugged. “I’m just the messenger, take it up with your lady love.”
          “Don't calling her that.”
          “Gray-eyed beauty then.” 
          “Oh come on, you need a name that really describes her. How about Haseena?” she teased again. 
          “Fiza… “ I glared at my colleague. I already had a name defining the crazy woman's very essence. 
          She was Rah - my reason to live.


Weird but I can’t read your reply as soon as I touch it the reply disappears 


@patni02 hmm... that's so weird. I was just saying that I was fasting when I read your message and the brownies made me hungry fr


@RitanyaShree hang in there!! I think we're just two or three chapters away from the prologue scene!


Hi All. I know you're waiting for updates on Zain's story. Unfortunately I won't be able to get to it for a few days. 
          I have a wonderful opportunity to get mentored by a traditionally published author for PoP's debut into the real world. So, I'm going to work on editing that story before completing Zain's. 
          Thank you for all the support! 


Wowweee I am so glad this is finally happening!!! I can’t wait to see this book become famous far and wide and some day be on bookshelves too !! 


@Malikadoc Masha'Allah. May Allah taallah grant you success, insha'Allah, Aameen.  So happy for you.


@Malikadoc Mashallah. Congratulations. May Allah Subhanahu Watala grant you success.
            I'm so excited and happy for you. Take care. 


Hi! Hope you had a wonderful Eid. I am wondering about when your next update of Qalb-e-Sukoon will come out. I am excited to read what happens next in Zain and Ameerah's story. No rush though. Just curious!


@rahasoha112 hi! Thanks for reading QES! It's been a busy couple of weeks but hopefully will get back to writing soon. I'm aiming for next weekend but let's see. 


As-salamu Alaikum.....Hi....Hope you are doing good.....I recently completed your book named On the Inside....and i enjoyed reading it wholeheartedly....As token I have made a book cover for it....I know all of your books have amazing book covers but still i made one....i am not good but still tried though....I will send it to you through Instagram..... please let me know how you liked it....Will be looking forward to have your response.


@Muslimah-Warrior Thank you so much for this ❤️❤️
            I love it! Already changed the cover of the book :)


If you're reading After the Honeymoon, stay tuned for some rapid updates. There are about 8 chapters left in the book. I'm going to edit them quickly and finish up the series. 


Oh wow lots of fun stuff on the way I see 


@Malikadoc Thank you!!Will be waiting!  : )