
I’ve been gone for more than a while and I haven’t updated anything. To be honest, I haven’t tried because I’ve been so busy and I’ve got distracted and forgot all about this. I need to motivate myself all over again before I can even attempt to make any updates for you guys. I’m really sorry that I turned out to be a writer I said I wouldn’t be. Someone who starts something and leave before it even got somewhere. I just ask that everyone who reads my stories and still hopes for an update to bare with me and give me time. I will come back and finish what I’ve started, but I do need much more time. Thank you for still showing support and still checking on me and being my first step to get back onboard.


I’ve been gone for more than a while and I haven’t updated anything. To be honest, I haven’t tried because I’ve been so busy and I’ve got distracted and forgot all about this. I need to motivate myself all over again before I can even attempt to make any updates for you guys. I’m really sorry that I turned out to be a writer I said I wouldn’t be. Someone who starts something and leave before it even got somewhere. I just ask that everyone who reads my stories and still hopes for an update to bare with me and give me time. I will come back and finish what I’ve started, but I do need much more time. Thank you for still showing support and still checking on me and being my first step to get back onboard.


Girl, (or boy for that matter) if you don't update I'm What You Need soon I'm gonna have to do it for you! ☺️ Its so good, I need more! 


@karakohler Girl is correct lol and i was busy with school, but I'm going on a break soon and I will definitely be able to update everything. I'm sorry it's so late 


I didn't forget about Wattpad and I didn't forget about my works. I started a program this month, Job Corps, and it's very tiring. I am only free on weekends of course. But by then, I'm really tired and I don't have the energy to write. On top of that, I can't really think of where to go next with my stories. The struggle is real because I even had a new story in my drafts waiting for you guys, and I don't even have the energy to finish hooking it up. I will be M.I.A because I need to get my future prepared and ready to set off. I know I've said this a bunch of times, but I will update my stories when I can. Just bare with me some more, just please understand where I'm coming from. Understand how tired I am ;(


Damn, I've been slacking. I've done nothing, and I feel bad. I've become one of those writers I once said I would never become. I'm no longer going to give dates to when I'll be updating. I'm just going to update when that time comes. I know I've kept a few people waiting, and I apologize for that. I was just having one of those moods, where my mind is blank. But I'm back baby  I'm about to make a big ass comeback with these new chapters. ✍


I am so sorry that it's taking me long to update "I'm What You Need" and the one shots. The next chapter for "I'm What You Need." is done, but I'm re-reading it and making corrections. It's going to be a real long chapter. Just give me a little more time and I'll publish it. I've been real busy and I haven't had the time to really focus on my writing. I hope I don't lose any of my readers because of this.
          Thank you for waiting and again, I'm sorry for the long wait.


@ManiLt I have feeling the next chapter is going to be really good since your putting so much time into it :)


@ ManiLT  can't wait for the update :)