
Sorry for the absence of updates lately! I was informed by @Slytherin_Dreams that someone had plagiarized "Sweet Revenge" (Thank you so much!!!). However, a new chapter has been uploaded, so you all can read about D. Malfoy's Moste Wonderful Plan. :)


I don't normally do this, But you mentioned my country in Sweet Revenge. I love you. My country is so tiny that is really rareeee of it being on a Fanfiction. I love you I love you. ❤️ I just started reading it. (I didn't want to because is ongoing) but damnnnn it's so good. All the best



On “Sweet Revenge” I think there are some chapters missing between the chapter “pure blood balls” and “the chamber of secrets”


Got it, sorry I was just kind of consumed! Lots of love, hope you get more motivated to write soon! ❤️


@yourfavoriteghost Thanks for informing me! At some point, I was going to write an interlude between those two chapters, but that never really happened. I think I've been telling myself to write it, but I can't really think of which scene to connect the two with. Let me know if you have any ideas (I don't have very many myself), and thank you for your consideration. :)