
Apparently, I did not pay attention to the difference between 'Publish' and plain old 'Save'. I posted a few stories here, some quite a while ago and, a few days ago, I noticed that save and publish weren't the same thing. I know. Yes, really, I know. Sigh.
          	Anyhow, I have now started making sure that I press 'Publish' when I'm ready for something to go out to the big wide Wattpad world.


Apparently, I did not pay attention to the difference between 'Publish' and plain old 'Save'. I posted a few stories here, some quite a while ago and, a few days ago, I noticed that save and publish weren't the same thing. I know. Yes, really, I know. Sigh.
          Anyhow, I have now started making sure that I press 'Publish' when I'm ready for something to go out to the big wide Wattpad world.


Happy January 17th, everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I've posted a chilling little bedtime story called, "DEBT".  You might, however, skip reading it at bedtime, especially if you are planning on having kids any time the near future. 
          -- Marcel


I can't quite remember when I joined Wattpad, though I suppose there's probably an easy-ish way of finding out. It doesn't matter. What I wanted to do was let you, and anybody who might actually be watching this space, that I am finally going to start using this and see where it takes me. 
          Starting, oh, today, I'm going to start posting some of my finished short stories. Furthermore, sometime over the next week or two, I'm going to start sharing my novel in progress. That novel already exists and the first (and possibly second) draft was completed some time ago. Facing the daunting task of editing this behemoth, I will be posting chapters as I proof and edit them. 
          In the meantime, you'll see several short stories appear, mostly in the science fiction and fantasy vein.  "Stone Cold Dead" is the all-Canadian murder mystery where you don't need to be Canadian to help solve the crime. "Paper" has been published numerous times since 1994. It's magic in the folds. Third on this list is "Toying With The Idea", a Christmas story about a murderous criminal named Johnny who gets a rather unusual chance at redemption.
          Enjoy! Share. Comment. All that stuff.