
Sorry y’all I kind of died (‘: How is everyone?


Writer’s block lowkey sucks cause i wanna write another story but idk what to write let alone i have books i havent even finished- mannnn one day i’ll finish a book, i kind of wanna do fanfics again then again i wanna make another angst story of where a hero becomes a villain then to have a sequel to it but i don’t know ;-;


Hey beautiful people! So I have this book im working on, and wanting to continue working on. If y’all could give this a read i’d greatly appreciate your feedback and votes <3 I wanna make this story some what relatable to people’s emotions and the feeling of hoping to find the one you love in the future. But we’ll see what i can do ❤️ 


Just wanted to say, THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FOLLOWS!! I appreciate and love every single one of you dearly <3 please feel free to ask questions or even feel free to spark up a convo ^^ and if you have any story ideas you’d like me to try im open to that as well <3 


this message may be offensive
Ngl i find it sad to see people talk shit about others for no reason. Its funny too imo- they look so dumb doing so and its just from what i’ve seen- if you wanted attention should’ve just said so boo-


@Cratimy prototype? I dont know if i even follow them. Then again if a lot of people are saying she’s talking bad on people for no reason i’d personally be curious about that as well 0.0 cause then again spreading negativity especially false information is lowkey wrong to do on people. 


@Marceline8239 omg is it @/Prototype _A2_5_8? What happened? I woke up this morning to a lot of people talking about her on their mb. What happened!!!???