
Hi all. I know I reach out to you all once every blue moon, but I am still here. I thought I'd give you a little update on "Always and Forever." It will continue to be a place where I put my latest poetry, but I will now incorporate monologues and questions. The latter of the two is self-explanatory (I hope you like them), but the second one. I find myself asking questions that maybe people should be asking themselves. Not rude questions, but thoughtful questions, questions we don't want to ask, questions we don't want to be answered. Those kinds of questions. I hope you enjoy it, I hope you are well. Have a great day and a blessed Sunday.


Hi all. I know I reach out to you all once every blue moon, but I am still here. I thought I'd give you a little update on "Always and Forever." It will continue to be a place where I put my latest poetry, but I will now incorporate monologues and questions. The latter of the two is self-explanatory (I hope you like them), but the second one. I find myself asking questions that maybe people should be asking themselves. Not rude questions, but thoughtful questions, questions we don't want to ask, questions we don't want to be answered. Those kinds of questions. I hope you enjoy it, I hope you are well. Have a great day and a blessed Sunday.


It's been almost a month, but I feel I should let you all know this. On October 10th, 2018 where I live was impacted by hurricane Michael. My family and I stayed and handled the storm, we lost part of our roof as well as our cars. I am still here, but still as silent. I'm alive my friends and fans, thank you for your understanding. I'm still getting used to the new reality that is my life. Take care, hope to write something soon, God bless you all. 
          -M. M.


Hello All!
          I know, I have been a terrible person and I haven't been writing or interacting with you all. Please forgive me ;-; but, I think I'm gonna have some more time on my hands to continue where I left off. I hope you are all well! If you ever need anything, just send a message lol
          See you soon!


Hello all,
          I would just like to announce that my poem Flawed came in second place in @renaeloveswriting 's poetry contest!!! It is a true honor to receive such a wonderful placement (as it is my first poetry contest I've ever been in, and I placed!). I congratulate all the other writers who placed, as well as the first place winner! I look forward to other contests!
          I hope you all are well,
          M. M.


Hello all,
          I'm looking for some poetry to read lol, are you writing some? Can I read it O.O? Do you have a friend who's writing some? Poetry just sounds good right now, so please tell me of some that I can find!
          Thank you for your time my wonderful followers (the few who are still here and still active, love y'all),
          Y'all can pm me if you'd like to tell me the names of the poetry books, or just in general...
          Have a good night!
          M. M.


Hello All,
          I must begin with an apology to all of you. I haven't been as active as I once was, and I apologize to you all. You're an amazing group of followers, and I hope to become active once again.
          Secondly, I would like to tell you all something I've learned as the year has begun. I learned that we should love and care for those special people in our lives. Whether its a friend, a family member, a neighbor, etc., but that first person that comes to mind when you need someone to talk to because you've forgotten how to smile. Recently... I messed up a friendship. It was my fault. I know it was. And it was only after I messed up for me to realize how special this person was. This person was very special to me, and I ruined a very beautiful and wonderful friendship. One day I hope they can forgive me. I hope they read this, and I hope they know I'm so very sorry. I know sorry isn't good enough for the hurt I caused, but it's all I have to offer. 
          So I tell you all, the relationships you have, they are priceless and deserve to be treated as such. 
          I hope to write something new. I have an idea relating to a new spiritual walk I'm beginning to walk down. If you didn't know, I am Christian. But, I have failed my God and I realize that I need to do better. I am not a child, or a teenager, I am 20 and I need my faith to be stronger and I must continue to grow an everlasting relationship with my God. May he have mercy on me and forgive me of the wrongs I have done.
          You're all wonderful, beautiful, and loving people. 
          Keep your eyes open, I hope to be posting soon!! The world needs a little more light to outshine the darkness. I hope I can become a part of that light with the writing I do.
          You're author, friend, and fellow Christian,
          M. M.
          PS. I know it sounded like I was a little depressed there for a moment, but I promise I'm doing well, or at least as well I can be. I'm alive and blessed with every breath I breathe. Be the light my friends. - M


Can't wait to see more of your work, I have a new story up


@Loisbatu I know I do lol


@Mardanso not.a.compliment. you deserve it


Honestly, I am in awe right now. I cannot believe I finished A Breath of Poetry!!!!! Thank you to everyone who has read it and voted on the poems, thank you so much for all you do. You all are amazing!!


I will*** (it only took me 2 years later for me to realize I made a mistake here lol)


@Lois-luna I promise you I won't 


@Mardanso Keep writing those poems they give me a breath of life :) 