
Can I please develope a normal obsession for once? Like, please? I have problems. 
          	Also, another example of a weird obsession: I'm obsessed with birds. I have a joke with my girlfriend where I'll say "your a bird" and she'll jump on the air. It's really funny. I love her sm tho I can't say that bc ✨I am socially awkward ✨
          	And why am I awake? 


Can I please develope a normal obsession for once? Like, please? I have problems. 
          Also, another example of a weird obsession: I'm obsessed with birds. I have a joke with my girlfriend where I'll say "your a bird" and she'll jump on the air. It's really funny. I love her sm tho I can't say that bc ✨I am socially awkward ✨
          And why am I awake? 


My gf said smth today that I can't stop thinking abt. "If you drink out of a water bottle directly after someone, does it found as an indirect kiss?" Help she said that after stealing my water bottle twice. 


@Marswcue Lmao, I don’t think it would matter to much, everything between us is simply platonic, plus I don’t mind sharing food nor drink :)


@TurpinsThighRider think of how many times I've stolen a drink from u bc of ur crazy food combination..... 


I have problems. For some reasons, I quite like taking petty revenge on people. Today, my flute teacher made the mistake of putting people I play better than in front of me. We had a chair test. I'm not the best player, but it has been stated before that I am within the top five. I was put on 11th chair. Chair tests have been destroying my mental health for a little while now. Well, put me below my skill level and I'll quit. Thanks, flute teacher, for giving me a good reason to quit, I've wanted to for a while now. Petty revenge is fun. 


I was just looking through my drafts (I literally have too many drafts, all either bsd or jjk-) and found an old book I planned to write abt bsd that would literally not be realistic at all but was kinda interesting to write tbh. I lost motivation for any of my drafts and currently can't find any motivation... 


I have the urge to write a story abt either the main ship from tgcf, one of the other ships in tgcf, the main ship in mdzs, or the ship in mdzs that is basically the main ship's brothers as a ship of that makes sense. 
          Why didn't I just type the ship names and make my life easier I'm so dumb lol. 
          But the problem with me writing anything is I'll lose motivation and never finish it.