
If any of you have burning questions about my Wanda story and/or the direction I'm going to take with secret wars etc. I'd love to answer them.


Scenes in Marvel movies and shows that broke me:
          The death of Thor's mother.
          "We are groot"
          "I can't do this without you." - Spider-Man to Gwen Stacy (basically the entire death scene)
          Knowing that Tony stark told Peter he feels like his death is on him, this hits different, "I don't wanna go." 
          Basically the entire ending of Endgame had me bawling. Especially when everyone stood by the lake.
          Wanda and vision going from "I just feel you" 
          to "I can't feel you"
          Wanda and Vision saying goodbye "You, vision, are the piece of the mind stone that lives in me. You are a body of wires and blood and bone that I created. You are my sadness. And my hope, but mostly you're my love." 
          The entire 4th episode of "What If...?" Season 1 where Strange kept losing Christine.
          Aunt May's death.
          Tobey and Andrew's heartfelt speech to Tom's Spider-Man.
          The ending of Multiverse of Madness. "Know that they'll be loved"
          The opening of Wakanda Forever.
          Queen Ramonda's death.
          "There are the hands who made us, and there are the hands that guide the hands" - Lyla to Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy vol.3
          Almost 50% of the Guardians vol.3 film had me bawling.
          And finally, Loki fulfilling his glorious purpose as a burden. That scene kept me up at night. In a good way.


Sorry for the long hiatus on my Scarlet Witch book, aside from being very busy, I am also hooked on the old animated X-men show and the 90's Spider-Man show. Trying to catch up so that I can finally see X-Men '97. 


@MarvelDc_EU take your time, enjoy yourself, good stuff takes time and a clear mind, can't rush that stuff. Crap can be rushed


And enjoy the ride! I checked out the original series and the crossover between the two shows before watching X-Men '97 and been loving it so far! 


Currently drafting and planning Spider-Man: Time Runs Out. Still contemplating wether or not I will publish it or just implement some of it in Secret Wars.


@WAZZZZZZUP234 It hypothetically takes place after Spider-Man 4, so this would be like a hypothetical Spider-Man 5 taking place between Avengers 5 and 6, so you might get an idea of what this means.


          Nexul means "The Nexus" in romanian
          -cide comes from latin which means a substance that kills.
          Nexulpromocide therefore means: The Nexus brings forth killing
          I won't elaborate further... yet. But if you've been keeping up with rumors on Twitter you could have an idea where this is going.


@WAZZZZZZUP234 Oh trust me. In the words of Doctor Doom "This... is going to be fun" 