
Hi guys!  I'm back and I wanted to inform you that I have finished the Prologue for The Junior Avengers: For Honor, For Asgard and it is published for you guys to read.  It's a little bit long and descriptive, much like my other stories, but I work really hard on my stories and I'm especially excited about this story.  However, I hope you all enjoy the prologue and let me know if you have any questions or anything!  Love y'all.


Hi guys!  I'm back and I wanted to inform you that I have finished the Prologue for The Junior Avengers: For Honor, For Asgard and it is published for you guys to read.  It's a little bit long and descriptive, much like my other stories, but I work really hard on my stories and I'm especially excited about this story.  However, I hope you all enjoy the prologue and let me know if you have any questions or anything!  Love y'all.


Hey everyone! I just wanted to update you guys on a few new things that I'll be trying to do from now on. First off, whenever I post a new chapter, I'll announce it on here. I understand that you already get notifications for that, but I'll do it just as a confirmation. Secondly, when I start to get more and more followers, I'll start having conversations on here so I can connect with y'all every once in a while. Anyways, love you all and can't wait to see what's in store!


Hey, so for everyone who doesn't know, I've FINALLY published a chapter for one of my stories - Supernatural: Abandoned In The Shadows.  It's technically the prologue for the story, but it's still a chapter.  Sorry if it's kind of long, but tbh I prefer longer stories than shorter ones.  But, I hope you all enjoy it!!!