
Hey guys... So I'm sure most of you have seen my last chapter of my trans peter Parker story.
          	And yeah I know I said I would come back, and I'm sorry. But I don't think I am. This has nothing to do with what's going on now in 2020! Honestly, I'm not sure why. But just know that all of you that's followed me really made me happy.
          	And I apologize to those in the marvelous family but I am leaving. 
          	Thank you all for your love and support! It really warms my heart. Please stay say and listen to the guidelines! I will miss you all, I love you 3000! 


I know this is late and you likely won’t see this but is there any way I could possibly talk to you on some other platform or whatever?


Hey guys... So I'm sure most of you have seen my last chapter of my trans peter Parker story.
          And yeah I know I said I would come back, and I'm sorry. But I don't think I am. This has nothing to do with what's going on now in 2020! Honestly, I'm not sure why. But just know that all of you that's followed me really made me happy.
          And I apologize to those in the marvelous family but I am leaving. 
          Thank you all for your love and support! It really warms my heart. Please stay say and listen to the guidelines! I will miss you all, I love you 3000! 


I know this is late and you likely won’t see this but is there any way I could possibly talk to you on some other platform or whatever?


Hey I'm updating No matter what soon I promise!
          Just finishing up some stuff and editing, so it should be up in the next day or two but hopefully I can get it done tonight. It won't be a traditional chapter but hey its still a chapter! 
          Be safe and stay supers guys! ❤


According to your bio.... we have the same name


@Marvelatthestars does make up translate to gay? No not really. My friend doesn’t even wear make up he just acts like a girl but is totally into guys. It’s kinda funny because he and my girl group will talk about their celebrity crushes and I just sit there wondering what to do with my life. 


@MarvelousPeterParker I walked in when I was putting on lipstick my friend got me. He just looked at me and asked are you gay?


@Marvelatthestars nope there is quite a big difference between the two. Lol. But I can see where he got that from. One of my best friends is gay and when I first met him I couldn’t decide if he was trans or gay lol


Thanks for the follow I followed you on Instagram and I do have a discord as well 


@marvelnutter2019 alright! And im emilystark3000 on Instagram 


@marvelnutter2019 wow thanks!!! that means a lot I haven't checked any of those but I will sure add you back!