
I’m coming back from the writing Graveyard! Thinking about doing another Star Wars story with Cal. Anyone think yes????????


@TbhIdkWTA  it’s already in the works! Getting the cover art done for the book is the hard part.


ABSOLUTELY You slayed that Cal Kestis book


I’m coming back from the writing Graveyard! Thinking about doing another Star Wars story with Cal. Anyone think yes????????


@TbhIdkWTA  it’s already in the works! Getting the cover art done for the book is the hard part.


ABSOLUTELY You slayed that Cal Kestis book


Now that  I've completed Ascension, I've been itching to start a new project. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been itching to write something for Attack on Titan, or Bungo Stray Dogs, but if anyone has any suggestions please feel free to offer them in the comment section below! And thank you for making Ascension blossom over the years to all of those who've supported it! I can't thank you enough! <3 Much love!


I feel like a horrendous human being for not updating Ascension in a timely manner. I hit a massive writer's block and have ben meaning to update sooner.  I hope to get back into the groove, but I do appreciate all of the love and attention it has been getting thus far. It makes me happy that you guys love it so much! Thank you for supporting my writing and I will get back into it as soon as I am able. I don't want to start more writing projects in fear that Ascension will get lost under the pile of stories I would like to start, so I will stick with it until I find a grand stopping point.  AGAIN, THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU ALL!!!