
Anyone else out there avid about fish keeping/aquariums?
          	Just out of curiosity.


Thanks for the follow!


Important update for the Toothless NightHolly series! They will soon be reposted, and a rewrite of the Night Fury’s return in accordance to the Endering Series will also be produced! 
          Those familiar with TNR will be able to see how the basis of The Endering’s has been deprived from the Toothless and NightHolly trilogy. 
          And the fourth book for T&H is up for reconsideration!


You're still active omg!
          It's been so long I'm actually crying because it feels like you're the last one who's still here. I've been gone for so long I hope you remember me  I've moved to @nightshade1144 but omfg
          I'm actually crying I've missed all my old friends on here


IMPORTANT! DEAR READERS, If you're reading any of the stories within the Toothless and NIghtholly series or the HTTYD movie from Toothless's POV fic, I am temporarily removing them (unpublishing them) from my account for the debue of The Endering series. 
          Remembering Before I Met You is accessible on Quotev and

          Toothless and Nightholly is on

          The Night Fury's Return is incomplete but is partially posted on but likely won't be completed until after I create a new version of the story.
          Username on Quotev:  VaughnStark
          Username on Fanfiction : MaximumHn
          These are old an unedited versions (not that I edited them in the first place) 
          This post will likely be removed in a few weeks. 
          The stories will likely be reintroduced to wattpad in the future, but until then will  remain only accessible on other platforms.